

Jewish Cemetery Ohlsdorf

Visit guided by Dr. Michael Studemund-Halevy

  • Place: Illandkoppel 88, 22337 Hamburg
  • Time:10:50 a.m.

Changes possible

History and description

The Jewish Cemetery in Ohlsdorf was opened on 30 September 1883.

The burial ground of the Sephardi Jews are rather special because of the remarkable and striking architectural elements. The Jews who had been expelled from Portugal and Spain around 1490 and took their burial tradition along with them when immigrating to Hamburg: tombs, grave stones laying flat on the ground and stones in a sarcophagic style.

In June 1937, the Jewish cemetery at the Grindelquarter was completely destroyed by the Nazis.

Under the conduct of chief rabbi Dr. Carlebach, only 200 stones could be transferred to Ohlsdorf and about 175 gravestones from the cemetery Ottensen in 1939 and 1941.

Male visitors are requested to wear a head covering. Kippahs can be borrowed from the green box at the entrance gate and should be replaced when leaving the cemetery.

Memorials for the victims of Nazism

A memorial for the victims of The Holocaust opposite the ceremony hall commemorates the 190,000 German and over 5 million murdered European Jews.

A single detached urn contains soil and ash from the Auschwitz concentration camp.

The memorial wall behind shows the Star of David, dates and a quote from Jeremiah 8:23 "...that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people"

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